Sunday, September 4, 2011

A long time coming OR There ain't no quick fix, honey.

I was talking to a friend yesterday about some chronic health issues he's been working on. It seems that the western medical model doesn't have any answers for him. I asked if he minded me butting my nose in on his business before I started firing questions at him. You see, he's always tired, and it turns out, can fall asleep just about anywhere, doing just about anything-like driving. YIKES!! I really care about this person, so that's why I decided to be a butt-in-skee. I asked all kinds of questions about oxygen levels, and caffeine, and history. I made some suggestions that may or may not be helpful. Only time will tell.

What I did not get to tell my friend, is that when we start working on our chronic health issues, it can take some time to see the benefits. And more important is that it can take a long time to heal something that has been out of balance for so long. It took me a couple of decades to have a gallstone attack, and it might take me a few years to rid myself of them, which I intend to do-slowly. Healing work takes patience, perseverance, and determination. There is no magic pill that will fix a chronic illness, at least I am not aware of one.

I'd like to think that paying attention to what got us into this mess will help us get out of it, in the long run. Part of what got me into this mess is thinking that a diet of processed foods, inhaled instead of chewed would sustain my well-being for all of time. Actually, it was my lack of thinking that really got me into this mess, and knowing that is helpful.  So now I get to think about what food I eat, and maybe someday I will focus on how much I chew my food. I shall strive to master one thing at a time, on the slow but steady road to wellness.


Friday, August 12, 2011

It ain't easy not bein' cheesy

I have been eating a lowfat diet for the last few months, due to my gallstone attack (self-diagnosed). I'll admit that when I started the lowfat diet, I had some pretty intense resistance to it. I mean, I was a bacon wrapped ANYTHING kinda gal. I was convinced that I would starve, and some days I still feel hungry after what I think is too short a time. My taste buds have changed over the last few months.I no longer need food to feel a certain way, and I am much more interested in flavor.

The most incredible thing has happened to me since embarking on this healing journey. I have lost a lot of weight! I have been a lover of the Atkins Diet for years. He told us to eat fat, and avoid carbs. Well, you know what? The Atkins Diet is not the right one for me. I don't really know what to call the diet I am on, but it's working. I feel good, and I look good.

So far, I have been able to keep myself out of the doctor's office, and more importantly, the hospital.   I know that what got me into this mess of gallstones was not the gallbladder. It was a long time coming due to my love of fatty foods, refined carbohydrates and inhaling my food. I spent years doing exactly what I needed to do to create gallstones, and lo and behold! I have them! What's important to me is that they are no longer interfering with my day to day life, and I have been able to keep my gallbladder. Maybe in a year or two I will be able to say that I am gallstone free and have a healthy gallbladder to prove it! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Huzzah! My hero!

I will be the first to admit that health problems can be really scary. Being patient and doctor is NOT always easy.   I have cried and wished for a savior on many occasions. I have nearly given in and gone to the doctor too many times to count. After I have allowed myself time to feel powerless and scared, I am able to move on to finding solutions.  I do not regret taking my health into my own hands. I realized, the other day while talking to a friend about health, that most of us want an expert opinion. We want to talk to a doctor when our body is not well, a mechanic when our car malfunctions, or a vet when our dear fluffy friends aren't well. We rush right in, thinking "Huzzah! My hero!" I guess somewhere along the way, I decided that I will be the expert on my body.  

I experienced acute respiratory distress once. I had to be on oxygen for three days, and had I not gone to the hospital I would not be here today. It was that bad.  I am willing to admit when I don't have access to what my body is requiring. It's important to keep that in mind when taking ones health care into our own hands. I was able to ask for life saving help when I really needed it.

I've experienced some fairly trying health issues. With that one exception, I have successfully diagnosed and treated myself. I was telling my friend about the food allergies I had over a decade ago. I did not get a doctor's diagnosis, or input on any of it. I diagnosed and treated myself, and have been able to eat the “offending” food for nearly a decade now.

I try to pay close attention to the signs that my body is sending regarding my well being.  Sometimes it has to bonk me over the head, like it did with the (self diagnosed) gallstone attack I had last month. (The remedy for mine was $3.50 a week from the Chinese herb store.) Most of the time it whispers in my ear, which I sometimes ignore. And that can cause trouble down the road. My body has far more wisdom than my brain about what is good for me.

Who am I? I'm just a nerd who loves to talk about health, and nutrition. I spent almost a decade working in a family run nutritional supplement store. I loved it, and learned a lot! It's a unique place, and I often find myself missing the selection available there. I have my Certificate in Bach Flower Remedies. I have a passion for not only human well-being, but animal well-being as well. I have been the holistic pet products buyer for two different stores . I even make my own dog food from scratch. I have two crazy doggies, and they are the reason I go to work every day. They are my children, and I want to give them the best food I can.

I am not afraid to self-diagnose, and have overcome food allergies, liver congestion, adrenal exhaustion and most recently gallstones. I AM NOT A DOCTOR! I am just a crazy and brave soul, who understands the risk of self diagnosing and treating. I believe in most cases the risks are greater at the doctor’s office, but maybe thats just me :)  

This blog is not intended to replace the care of a qualified professional of any kind. This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The purpose of this blog is to tell my story. So, if you have a serious medical condition, don't mess around. Seek a qualified professional. In other words, just because I am crazy doesn't mean you need to be!